TV actors are busy foraying into Bollywood. After Mouni Roy bagged Gold opposite Akshay Kumar, buzz has it that Mrunal Thakur of Kumkum Bhagaya fame will make her Bollywood debut with Vikas Bahl's Super 30. Mrunal was signed for an Indo-American film Love Sonia last year, and since then, many production houses have noticed her.
And according to a report in DNA, Mrunal might be signed opposite Hrithik Roshan in Super 30. Since the film is a biopic on math wizard, Anand Kumar, the leading lady will get only limited time space. And that's the reason many actresses have turned down the role.
A source told the daily, "They had reservations about the length of the role, but it is an important part. It's a great thing for a new actress to begin her career with. As for Hrithik, he has never had any reservations about working with newcomers. He was cast opposite newbie Pooja Hegde in Mohenjo Daro."
Earlier, rumours of Katrina Kaif playing the leading lady spread like wildfire after Anand Kumar shared a picture with the actor on Facebook.
Super 30 is based on the life of of Patna-based mathematician Anand Kumar who runs the famed Super 30 program for IIT aspirants in Patna.
The 44-year-old mathematician coaches economically backward students for IIT-JEE. It all began in 2002 when Kumar started the program with the aim to groom IIT aspirants who couldn't afford the tuition fees. And fifteen years later, Kumar is still busy preparing the aspirants for a bright future. The film will trace Anand's rise to fame as the founder of the Super 30 program.